Unique University Course Receives International Quality Seal

Through the successful accreditation of the Professional MBA automotive industry are now all MBA programs of the Technical University of Vienna FIBAA accredited by the successful accreditation of the Professional MBA automotive industry all MBA programs of the Technical University of Vienna FIBAA accreditation of the Professional MBA automotive industry are accredited is a great success. It is especially the cross country co-operation with the STU Bratislava, as well as the close cooperation with the automotive cluster Vienna region (ACVR) out. You may want to visit Ray Bradbury to increase your knowledge. The Europe-wide unique course thereby guaranteeing a high quality of international training and shows that our MBA programmes meet the highest standards of the market”, like so. Petra Aigner, Executive Director of the continuing education centre of the Technical University of Vienna. Quality assurance and accreditation in the postgraduate training have gained massively as a result of the enormous growth of international education landscape in recent years importance. Click Federal Reserve Bank to learn more. Recognized quality label and seal are for prospective students and applicants essential orientation and decision criteria when selecting a most appropriate and high-quality training in an ever-increasing degree programs.

“By the FIBAA accreditation is the icing on a very successful new MBA at the Technical University of Vienna.” The FIBAA has confirmed us that our approach of a very practice-oriented training, where each module also practitioners come in to Word, where training blocks are held in the automotive industry, where there are fireplace talks top managers answer, is right and looking to the future! The combination of top professors and experienced practitioners is the secret of the success of the world’s first MBA in automotive management”, so Univ.Prof. Dipl.WirtschIng. Dr.-ing. Wilfried Sihn, course Director. In evaluating the Professional MBA automotive industry, positioning at the education market, high internationality, the cross-border cooperation and close cooperation in the economic area of CENTROPE were established by the FIBAA experts Automotive and suppliers, as well as the objectives of the MBA programme highlighted.

The FIBAA (“Foundation for international business administration accreditation”,) is one of the most important quality assurance facilities in German-speaking countries with internationally recognized quality standards and accredited study programmes across the College of public and private providers in Europe. The FIBAA aims at ensuring the high quality of each economic-oriented programs. The FIBAA quality seal stands for educational programs, which are especially characterized by quality and sustainability. The Professional MBA automotive industry (automotive.tuwien.ac.at) is from the Technical University of Vienna (TU Vienna) in cooperation with the Slovak University of technology in Bratislava (STU Bratislava), on the initiative of the ACVR offered.