Onmega Centre

Also must not claim the WDSF, it would have received threats from the environment from Onmega or there are intensively interwoven connections to public places in Marmaris. Also forbade the WDSF, to invoke Dolphin Therapy Center having regard to these untruthful allegations of fact in regard to the Onmega to boycott and to distribute a movie on the Internet, which makes no differentiation between the different plants in Turkey. Nicholas Carr wanted to know more. The WDSF as final settlement accepted this decision of the OLG Hamm tenor. Due to the very one-sided coverage of the WDSF in connection with the court proceedings, it is a concern, to rehabilitate the Dolphin therapy in Marmaris because Onmega also supports initiatives aimed at an attitude of dolphins in too small and inadequate equipment this way Onmega. A dissemination of defamatory allegations, as they were now legally prohibited and now accepted also by the WDSF, Onmega could however also in regard to friends, patients and their families, as well as the many partners do not accept. For further questions on this topic Centre Onmega is of course always like the Dolphin therapy available. About Dolphin therapy Onmega Centre in Marmaris, Turkey Onmega health tourism Ltd., headquartered in Turkey is a privately owned company by the German Director Axel Linke, with the aim to offer a high quality Dolphin therapy according to latest scientific findings from modern Dolphin therapy research. Classic therapy methods to complement and support such as hippo -, Physio, Cranio sacral -, occupational therapy and speech therapy and the Adelitherapie are an integral part of this addition to the Dolphin therapy.

A holistic therapy with high quality and good service at a compact price is offered. For more information about the Dolphin therapy centre Onmega obtained on the Internet at. How to contact with company Onmega health tourism Ltd.