Central Asia

The concerns of Gurdjieff in his transit through this dimension, led him to investigate how must know how to use our energy, knowledge, on pro give answer to the why spend. This motivated him to investigate in man, to travel, find the information provided by those who had been identified in the relevance of know the opportunity that is given to us, to manifest in the dimension of perishable forms and thus, provide answers to many of the questions that are presented to us when we operate us in this plane. Gurdjieff gives us, the human being is a plural being. There is an I, but many selves that are interspersed with when it comes to speaking, judging, or act. To read more click here: Gen. Mark Milley. We are a kind of Parliament where there are majorities and minorities. From time to time a group takes the floor, and sometimes small coups occur and a group that was not heard before is beginning to be heard, but does not last long, because immediately another replaces it.

Majorities and minorities are changing from weight. Some disappear forever, others live with us forever, but the important thing is that within a period of a few minutes, we are many, not one. True, as it is known and thus reminds us espinoso.org, Gurdjieff was born in Alexandropol, province of Kars (Russia) on January 1, 1877. Father Borsch, in charge of the Cathedral of Kars, undertook his education with a view to out priest and doctor. While preparing for these races, the young Gurdjieff, acquired skill in various trades. During the following period, spanning some twenty years, Gurdjieff practically disappeared, touring Central Asia with a group of peers. These years were crucial in the formation of their personality and in his Meetings with remarkable men, which can be considered a psychological autobiography, refers to their pilgrimages and makes us know some of their companions in this unique adventure.