Teaching Vision

A questionnaire I contend opened questions, made use in the following way: Which its vision on functions of literature? How you work literature in its classroom? That didactic resources you use in its lessons of literature? It gives its point of view on the importance of literature for the teaching formation? The questionnaire was applied in 04 (four) professors of Basic Ensino II, in the State School and Professionalizing Monsignor August Jose Da Silva, in the city of Camocim? Ce. Although the hesitations, the professors had answered ace questions and we can carry through the research visualizing the gotten results. Ahead of this, the quarrels of the results had been become fullfilled, followed for the final consideraes, folloied with theoretical support, proceeding from the coletnea of texts of didactic support. QUARREL OF THE RESULTS: This research has as thematic recital the Teaching Vision on the functions of the reading. The considered questionings had been answered by 05 professors of Portuguese Language and Literature in the final years of Basic Ensino II, in State School Professionalizing Monsignor August Jose Da Silva, in Camocim? CE.

Amongst the professors we could verify the marcante presence of the feminine majority, as we always can detect this. Are enabled professors, with the minimum escolaridade demanded to exert the position and with intense experiences in the teaching. Questioned on the first question, that deals with its vision on the functions of literature, four of the professors agree to affirming that literature serves as perfectioning of the understanding, but also as guiding for the vestibular contest, for the academic formation of the pupil. ' ' (…) literature as humanizadora force, not as system of workmanships. As something that the man states and later it acts in the proper formation of homem.' ' (Cndido, p.80). Cndido author (2002) in its text approaches literature as function, function this humanizadora, that is, the capacity of Literature in confirming the identity human being.