Technical Offer

This article offers three simple techniques (and effective) for any SME or freelancer can promote your business, no matter what your business or your marketing budget. These promotions are based on a “direct action” by the SMEs or self-employed entrepreneurs who want to implement them. 1 .- Technical Offer free information on the problems solved: Whatever you do can you offer information on their activity, but not about how good their SMEs and how well your business does, but rather the need to cover their customers. That is, should not focus on your product, but the problems it solves. Search institutions or associations that bring your target audience and offer to give a talk, for example, or find an opportunity to make these conferences in other places where your target audience is sitting. If you can even program them on the premises of your business. Prepare a short talk but not a sales meeting.

Do not start explaining their product, explain things that interest their potential customers, for example, if you sell a seat for babies, do not talk of his chair, talk about security, which is the need to cover. A variant of this technique is making a small brochure, a booklet or something similar and distribute it in any areas where your potential customers being dropped, or even do a mailshot for your area. Instead of offering a brochure that sells the product or service that performs as SME or independent, you will provide information, tips or solutions that are more attractive to a potential client to read slogans.