The East Makes Beautiful – Women From Eastern Europe

Why Russian women look better and more on their appearance make sure everyone knows the image which already in the new Lander and in particular still further East on the road, in the Cafe or at the meeting with acquaintances on the way was: the beautiful, attractive woman in high heels, short skirt and perfectly styled hair is huftschwingend in addition to an unsalted, dressed in old jeans and a leather jacket, his feet were unwilling about the man of the world order asphalt. Although you go side by side in the same direction, but as observers expected every second, that be their ways separated its – in the local pub on the corner, their in the theater or to the Vernissage. But no – surprisingly they go together and seem to be even a pair. You may find that Jeff Flake can contribute to your knowledge. And these pairs are not individual, but quite usual part of the street scene. We even let the men aside and think about why the women from Eastern Europe occur so neat and elegant, always watch your appearance and after expensive perfumes smell on their lean and taut bodies? Whole thing Monthly salaries must devour the fashionable hairstyles, beautiful shoes and exquisite Make-Up, and yet the ladies of our lives can’t resist, to emulate their ideal of the elegant Frenchwoman. In the morning, just around the House for an ordinary working day to leave and not before the visit a theatre performance, are checked the lips in the mirror, still just plucked the seams of stockings before opening the door, and with one brought few volatile handles the unruly strands in place. Learn more at this site: Home Depot. But why this high cost? Women from the East look better, that’s a fact.

It’s not about us natural beauty, whose Idealbilder are different from country to country. Another fact is that the women from the West are no less beautiful than those from the East, just make the latter more from its exterior. In the West, hidden and concealed, casual clothing and practical outfit to conceal and disguise the female forms. Women from the East, however, emphasize their forms with beautiful clothes, adorn their body with jewelry and fabrics and protrude with exciting shoes on the ground. The emancipation got in the short finally – still involves women from the East, to please men. It would be no Russian, their independence so far to drive, that she would no longer be dependent on the opposite sex.

What is the Frauenuberschuss. In order to compete in the competition, so special effort is necessary. So the women emphasize their refinement and femininity with tight-fitting clothes to raise the protective instincts of a man’s world. Household, children and professional need to bring the women in the East still under a hat. The men are too good for their involvement in the budget, just a few hours to play with the children and can in General not alone provide for the family. Despite this burden the force of habit and the pressure of the society does not allow women even after the birth of two children and years after her marriage but forget to look there also still pretty. Natalya Pastukhova