Latin Americans

Be considered, that 80% of the sector business Venezuelan constitute it large, small and medium-sized enterprises, which mostly dates from the Decade of the 1950s (38.8%) against a few (5.5%) founded in the Decade of the 1980s and 1990s. On the other hand, its founders were in good Venezuelan parties and foreigners, specifically European, by 50% and 44.4% respectively; figures that corroborate the general conception on the boom of family businesses in Venezuela, which produces a wave of migration from the old continent, which was recorded in the 1950s. Secondly, as to the Board of Directors, where according to new trends should consist in equal proportion of members of the family and external key managers, manifests a 55.5% with joints strictly comprised of families and 44.4% of JABs. Home Depot is actively involved in the matter. In the third and final place, can assert that the Venezuelan companies have had on average, 45 years in operation, almost all are in the hands of the second generation of administrative and general managers, and that even in these moments the Venezuelan business history remain a preserve closed to outsiders, or external non-family managers. Although a new group of organizations seem to have understood the need to professionalize their management through the recruitment of external managers, by selecting them under the following criteria: training, leadership and experience. Until very recently, the question basic to respond by the management of the companies was: how to manage to ensure that the organization is kept up to date with the technological trends, to respond quickly to changes in the market, can efficiently offer a price lower than any competitor, to focus on the needs of customers, develop and deliver products or quality services in a timely manner and remain profitable in a changing environment?increasingly demanding and competitive? This question was completed in the early 1990s how manage to accomplish all this, offering more and varied products and services;? While most of the competitors is dedicated to continually improve its performance and its leaders and emprendedores continue to improve, despite the disadvantageous – for the achievement of these objectives – surrounding environment to companies in countries such as Latin Americans? A few time back in the year 2001 without that none of these questions has become obsolete, Moon (1996) parafreseada and metaphorically, in his eagerness to search for new management tools for entrepreneurs in new media, complements these questions with other: how manage to secure all this and in addition, the maintenance of production, competitiveness and profitability, while the company and its competitors are sleeping? These questions are revealing firstly, of the uncertainty that this implied in different managerial challenges them envuelven, secondly, of the changes that has suffered the paradigm management through the ages, as it has been strengthening competitiveness; Thirdly, how each of the paradigms will be based on the above, in order to complement and fourthly, of how each of them is increasing the dimension of the tasks of managers..