Madler Highball Cocktail

History's most popular cocktail Mojito Mojito (masculine, Spanish. Mojito) – a cocktail on the basis of light rum and mint leaves. Read additional details here: Nicholas Carr. There are 2 kinds mojito: alcohol and soft. Going from the island of Cuba, became popular in The United States in 1980. There are several theories about the origin of the name "mojito". One says that the word comes from Spanish. Mojo (Moho, mojito – a diminutive). Moho – sauce allegedly in Cuba and the Canary Islands, usually it includes garlic, pepper, lemon juice, oil, and herbs.

Others argue that the mojito – it changed mohadito (Spanish Mojadito, mind. From mojado), which means "a little wet." Mojito is traditionally consists of five ingredients: rum, sugar, lime, soda water and mint. His combination of sweet and refreshing citrus and mint, which may have added to the rum, to "disguise" the last fortress, made this cocktail a popular summer drinks. How to make Mojito at home. In and serve with a straw. Not all types of mint are in harmony with the other ingredients.

The most suitable variety – peppermint (Mentha piperita), which has a distinct mint scent and a cooling taste (mint in this class sold in supermarkets). The gardens and orchards of Central Russia is very common type of water mint (Mentha aquatica), which does not have such a strong flavor and refreshing taste. The second method of preparing a Mojito at home (As it is doing in Cuba). In a glass pour a little cane sugar (about one teaspoon to top), pour on two fingers of lemon juice (!), Add a few sprigs of peppermint, stirring occasionally, adding water and a little Cuban white rum three-year aging. Put the tube – is ready to mojitos. The necessary ingredients "Mojito" – alcohol: white rum 50 ml sugar syrup 15 ml 100 ml Lime Soda 1 / 3 pc Mint 5 g crushed ice 250 grams of "Mojito" – a recipe soft: Sugar syrup 15 ml 150 ml Lime Soda 1 / 3 pc Mint 5 g crushed ice 250 grams of the necessary equipment Madler Highball Cocktail spoon rolls useful for you. Mint – a very useful plant to man. Peppermint contains a volatile oil (2,5%), the main component of which is menthol, which determines the taste of mint, and other substances – ether, felandren, pinene, yasmon, piperiton, mentofuran etc. Available in its composition tannins, flavonoids, bitter. Menthol Mint makes a bactericidal plant. Peppermint possesses analgesic and vasodilating properties. Mint oil is part of many therapeutic drugs: peppermint drops, stomach pills, various ointment. Peppermint aids digestion, eliminates the nausea has choleretic properties, used in asthma, flatulence. Decoction of mint drink as a sedative, in inflammatory processes in the bronchi, lung, as well as cardiovascular, gynecological diseases. Peppermint is used as a tonic cordial means, removing the heart, stimulating the activity of the heart and blood circulation, which has also diaphoretic property. Mint is used to fight colds and fever. Relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties of mint makes it an excellent remedy for pains and spasms, such as stomach pain, cramps, bloating bowel, heartburn, indigestion, hiccups, headaches, migraines, nausea and motion sickness. Contained in mint tannins protect the intestine from irritation, which is very useful for removing rubber if you have diarrhea, to fight spastic constipation and ulcerative colitis. Bitterness mint stimulates the liver and gall bladder, so it is used to cleanse the liver and removing stones from the gall bladder.